They say LOVE Hurts,
But, not for these two LOVE Birds.
Friends from the Start,
Knew it all along in their Hearts.
Life filled with Happiness and no Pother,
The GODS made them for Each Other.
LIFE is Beautiful,
LOVE Makes it Beautiful.
A few years of Friendship,
Paved the way for a Lovely Relationship.
Their Love is Strong, have never had any Rift,
They are each other's Priceless Gift.
Their LOVE is Growing and is Spreading,
It's gotten better after their Wedding.
LIFE is Beautiful,
LOVE Makes it Beautiful.
As Mentioned, They are Made for Each Other,
They Will now and forever remain Together.
LIFE is Beautiful,
LOVE Makes it Beautiful.
They are Made for Each Other,
They Will now and forever remain Together.
LIFE is Beautiful,
LOVE Makes it Beautiful.
LIFE is Beautiful,
LOVE Makes it Beautiful.
- JD🦇
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